Welcome To CT Partners

Experts in corporate and premium leisure travel

Our Members are among the most recognised and awarded Travel businesses in Australia; together we look after the needs of more than 1.4 million travellers each year.

About Us

CT Partners is the most influential independently owned travel buying network in Australia and comprises more than 30 of the largest independent corporate travel management firms and premium leisure agencies.

“Our purpose is to ensure our members thrive and exceed in their individual business goals through tapping into our market leading buying power and industry leading expertise, with each member an equal shareholder and having an equal say in the future direction of our network.”

“The success of our members is synonymous with our success, and we are  committed to  nurturing their businesses and turning their strategic goals into commercial results. We do this by continuing to cement our reputation as a trusted and respected partner of choice for our customers, suppliers and those valued industry partners we choose to work with.”

CT partners members on elevator

Our Membership Benefits

CT Partners is 100% owned by its members and, uniquely in the industry, is committed to complete financial transparency - supplier payments are passed back in full to member agencies.

Superior Air buying power

Long-standing and proactive relationships with our airline partners ensures we have access to best in market commercial deals and private fares for our Members.  Our airline performance is continually reviewed to ensure member earning potential from our agreements is maximised.

Non-Air Supplier partnerships

In addition to airlines, we offer an extensive range of commercial partnerships with leading cruise, car, rail, wholesale, technology, and insurance companies. This is complemented by access to best in market content and added value for travellers to benefit from, as well as hosting some wonderful famil trip opportunities for our Members throughout the year.


Given CT Partners is a not-for-profit buying group, Members are provided complete transparency in terms of our commercial agreements and payments received under our contracts. 100% of the incentive payments received from suppliers are paid in full to our Members, ensuring they maximise their returns.

Events and Networking

Our highly rated events allow Members to meet and interact in a variety of settings including conferences, dinners, cocktail receptions as well as online and face to face supplier training sessions. The Owner/Manager conference is a 3-day hosted international event, providing opportunities for networking with peers and senior industry partners, sharing intel and being inspired by thought provoking business sessions, guest speakers and social activities.

Focus Groups

Nominated members meet online regularly throughout the year to discuss new ideas, issues, and ways to help the wider membership. Current focus groups include corporate travel, leisure travel, and technology.

Our Virtual Community

Our extranet, the Hub, provides a central repository for industry updates and a knowledge-bank of engaging and educational information.  This includes supplier information, promotions, training presentations, incentives, help and advice, as well as contact details for our preferred partners.

couple smiling and waving at camera in tuk tuk

Supplier Partner Benefits

  • high-quality membership
  • volume and share of premium business generated
  • strong annual growth
  • transparency in commercial dealing with full disclosure and all benefits being passed on to Members
  • outstanding Member events and networking opportunities
  • engagement opportunities with members, both at in person and via online training sessions


Travel Firms


Member Owned


Travellers Per Year


Turnover Per Year
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